Wednesday, January 9, 2008

CD13 - The First Shot.

Monday was my first IVF injection!

Ooooh, I was so nervous when I woke up Monday morning. Excited at first, then nervous. M forgot about the injections in the morning but I reminded him as he fixed his coffee. He told me to get ready because it would be about five minutes until he was ready and done fixing his coffee.

Oooh goodness!!!!!!! I ran upstairs to look at everything, the needles, the medicine, the instruction sheet, everything was there and waiting for us.

M came in the bathroom and I started talking to the camera, telling the camera about the date and milestone.... but then I asked M to put the camera down quickly because similar to the day when all of my meds arrived, I burst into tears. They were alligator tears, not sad tears, but tears because I was scared, because this was it, because there’s no going back after this, this is a defining moment.

We laid the needle out on the tray, the Lupron out of the box, rearranged the alcohol swabs and gauze pads, I hopped onto the counter and WHAM, I spilled his newly made coffee all over the counters and sinks.

I think M knew that I was nervous so he smiled with a weary grin, and we agreed that he would go remake his coffee, and I would clean up the mess, then we would reconvene back in the bathroom to do the shot.

Which we did, about 10 minutes later. I hopped onto the counter, he came close with the needle, I hopped down. Ok, try again. I hopped back up on the counter, he came toward me with the needle, and then I hopped back down again. Yeah, it was like that – and add in one more hop on and off.

Finally, I moved to a lower seat which psychologically made me feel better, and I closed my eyes and told him to go for it. *pinch* It’s over!!

I was SOOO relieved. I felt like I had just climbed a huge mountain, I felt excited for us and our family because the next milestone was out of the way. We high fived each other and both went on in our days.

I’m so glad that’s over. Sure, I have like fifteen + days more of Lupron, and weeks of Menopur and Gonal F, AND the dreaded IM injections, but it was that first shot that I was dreading and we sailed through it, despite our minor challenges. I feel a stronger trust for M, even stronger than before, the same type of trust you have for a nurse or someone else. Almost blind trust. Like you expect them to know what they’re doing so you just hold your breath, close your eyes and wait.

Alas, the video of my first Lupron shot. Enjoy!

Next Steps:
Stop the birth control pills on Sunday (wahoo!)
Supression Check next Friday January 18
Start the stimulation drugs!!!