Saturday, February 16, 2008


I feel better from last night. Sorry 'bout the rant, but not really. It's important for me to set my boundaries with people and until now whenever they would give me "first trimester stuff" I've been responding with a "I know, I know". I've since had a long talk with my husband and mom and moving forward I'll be taking a different approach when people say these things to me.

Moving on to other topics, we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to see if Poppy is progressing like he/she should. My last beta was around 200, so we would expect at least a doubling by tomorrow, so I'm shooting for at least 400 or more. A little more worry can drop from my shoulders if indeed it falls around this range. They will also check my progesterone level, and that BETTER be good with all of these damn vaginal suppositories I've been taking three times a day. They are messy, messy, messy! I won't go into the details, but holy cow batman, icky!

Otherwise, still experiencing strong symptoms, like today, I must have slept a total of 10 hours and I haven't even gone to bed yet! Everytime I close my eyes, it feels like I could snooze for a bit, so since it's the weekend, I went for it! I even went and bought a black sleeping mask to drown out the light around me.

Every single woman on my IVF cycle board has gotten positive betas!! It's so nice to have a handful of women to talk to, vent with, and worry with at times. They all are going through exactly the same thing, and know all the worries, fears, and excitement we experience. What would I do without the internet???

Alright, off to go research progesterone levels. :-) More tomorrow after our second beta.