Thursday, February 14, 2008

4 Weeks 1 day pregnant!!!!!! (First Beta)

We're pregnant, we're pregnant, we're pregnant!!!!!

We came into the clinic (early no less, can you tell we were excited) and they took us back. My favorite Nurse S came to greet us and everyone was very excited for today. I told them we've been experiencing positives and they were so happy. I had blood drawn and they told us we would hear back between 2pm and 5pm. Shoot, that's a long time!!

So we decided to pass the time, a burger at Denny's and then we would head to the fabric store. I kept my phone on vibrate in my lap and all of a sudden it started vibrating.

I looked down, and boom, it was the clinic's name.

"Oh my god, honey, it's them!!"

I put the clinic on speaker and nurse L said "great news, your beta is at 200!!!"

M and I started screaming and she laughed and congratulated us. She told me to come in for my second (and last) beta on Sunday morning at 8. From there, we will schedule the ultra sound to hear the heartbeat in a couple of weeks. WHEN all goes well there, it's off to the midwife and no more fertility clinic!!

WE'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a long, complex journey, how VERY VERY worth it. I'm still in shock and I have this huge kool-aid grin on my face.