Sunday, December 30, 2007

CD3 - Blood work and Ultrasound

Alriiiiighty. Blood work and ultrasound are done. I asked Dr. K about my thyroid level from the first blood panel(4.5) and she said that was too high and she wanted me on medicine starting now and throughout pregnancy to manage my thyroid level. *sigh* The thought of taking more medicine makes me cringe. She said thyroids are very important in pregnancy, but I haven't read up on that yet so I will do that shortly.

She did a vaginal ultrasound and saw only 7-8 follicles on each ovary. This can be considered normal since I'm only on cycle day 3 - but they will continue to measure the count and size of my follicles throughout this entire process.

In other news, the nurse called shortly after my appointment to tell me that my blood work and hormone levels were fine, and to go ahead and start the birth control pills tonight. So, this is it. Once I pop that pill in my mouth I'm officially on an IVF 'regimen'. I must admit I'm a bit nervous, a bit burnt out by everything, a bit fearful, and a little lost.

It's like..... being excited that you got a new bike without training wheels for Christmas, and then realizing you have to learn to ride it. The task ahead seems big and daunting.

They messed up my IVF schedule (again) and didn't update it with my new cycle start date, so now I need to wait until the other nurse comes in tomorrow to confirm and send me my new schedule.

Next Steps:
Start BCP tonight Dec 30
Needle Class on Wednesday Jan 2