Wednesday, January 2, 2008

CD6 - Needle Class complete

M and I walked in to the fertility clinic tonight and we were a half hour early for the 'needle class'. Spread out on the tables were example syringes, and 'fake vials' of hormones, they even had a sample belly to practice injecting the needles into - it was great!

M was taking notes throughout the session and the techs (nurses?) did well to remain patient with us. It was us and another couple in the class. She started with the Lupron shot which seemed a piece of cake. Load needle, pinch, into the belly. The Menopur and Gonal F and HCG injections were all very similiar with one or two requiring 'mixing' saline liquid and a powder form. It all seemed pretty straight forward.

I put the fake belly up next to mine and made sure M practiced a good 12 times. (ha ha) After a couple sticks, he was a pro. You have to pinch, stick, let go of the pinch, push in the meds, hold it for five seconds and remove quickly. Easy peasy, right?! :-) (except the progesterone which is an IM injection, and they said they would teach me about IM injections in a couple of weeks.)

It's becoming more real. I can feel it in my bones. I'm trying not to keep my hopes up high, and am trying to be realistic at least about the first cycle. Things are progressing nicely though. Not too many side affects from the BCP, we'll see how I handle the Lupron.

Total Shots
Lupron - Sub Q
Menopur - Sub Q
Gonal F - Sub Q
HCG Trigger - Sub Q
Progesterone - IM

Next Steps
Start Lupron injections on Monday 1/7