Sunday, January 13, 2008

CD 17 - Small Update and Next Steps

Cycle Day 17, I can't believe it! It seems to be going quickly!

I just offically took my last birth control pill! Thank god those are done, hopefully that will curb my sore boobs and mood swings. I'm not sure of the specific side effects of Lupron to date, I know I had a wicked strange hot flash the other day, but otherwise nothing stands out.

This wednesday afternoon we have our consultation with Dr. O. We were supposed to have it last Friday but we moved it to Wednesday due to schedules. He must think we're Type A idiots as we typed out all of our questions and emailed it to him ahead of time. :-) Better to be prepared than caught off guard.

Most of all I want to walk out of there with a better sense of how many embryos to transfer, and with an understanding of his opinion on elective single embryo transfer. I'm interested if they have ANY statistics around eSET, so we shall see.

Then! This Friday is another big day. I go into the fertility clinic for my supression check. That's where they will do another ultrasound (this is like 8 or 9 now?) and more blood work, and if everything looks good, this will be the transition from supression into stimulation. This is where I start two new set of injections daily called Menapur and Gonal F, and the purpose of those meds will be to stimulate my follicles to grow big and fat, ripe for the pickin'.

I must admit I'm a little stressed out about the timing of my transfer given it's scheduled as the same day as my last day of this school course. I talked to the teacher but his 'workarounds' for making up missing the last class were more stressful than managing both of them anyway. I've put this as an agenda item on our Dr. O meeting as well. I don't know if they can extend one medication or if it is all truly based on how my ovaries do. Of course this is my priority, but I'd really hate to extend my graduation by another month. I'm so close....

Back to doing what most IVF patients are good at involuntarily: waiting.