Friday, February 1, 2008

CD 17 - Update on the 8 embies

8 - 2 = 6.

Two of our eight embies have passed on.

6 - 2 = 4.

Two of our six embies are about to pass on.

We have four "nicely growing" embryos. This makes things a little tricky, especially when we are wanting to transfer one five day blastocyst as opposed to one or two 3 day embryos.

If we lose another one, or god forbid two, then a 3 day transfer is the only sane way to go, else we risk losing ALL of our embryos and having nothing to transfer.

If all four make it and are in great shape, do we risk bringing all four out to day five? 40% of all embryos make it to Day 5 and if I started with 8 then 40% would be almost 4 making it to day 5 but who the hell really believes statistics when it comes to life. (sigh)

I asked the IVF coordinator what "nicely growing embryos" meant in numbers. Did it mean they had reached 4 cells? 3 cells? 5 cells? I needed more information. I had to remind her that we were hoping to go to day 5 and that I felt we needed more information than we were getting.

The kicker of it all is, the "go or no go" decision is made tomorrow. Over the phone. I told her I didn't think we were prepared to make a decision over the phone and if anything we'd like to see pictures and understand grading of our embryos. I can feel myself being the totally aggressive patient, and my "womanly" ways feels guilty about this, but I know I have to take the reins of my own health and this is one of those times. This is not the moment to surrender.

She said she would call, or have someone call with another update today. It was ambiguous and I was confused. I called my favorite Nurse S and left her a message saying I wanted to talk to her and get some more information about the process that I'm going to experience tomorrow. M wants to join the conference call, so I will 3-way him in, it's just the last thing I want to worry about right now. Edit: They just called back - they're going to have the embryologist call me and talk to me and M. :D

I feel sad that my little embryos are kicking the bucket, I hope at least one stays around long enough to hang out for awhile.